UPR Sexual Rights Database

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UN Member State that is reviewed on its human rights record as part of the UPR process.

Categories of the types of information used during reviews

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Source of Reference

Recommending State

UN Member State or Permanent Observer making sexual rights related recommendations, comments or asking questions to the State under Review.

Review Documentation

Sources of information used as the basis for a State’s review.  Includes the State’s National Report, UN Compilation Report and a Stakeholder Summary.

UN Regional Group to which State under Review belongs.

UN Regional Group to which Recommending State belongs.

This will only match recommendations where the Source of Review is a State.

Implementation notes

State responses to recommendations and issues raised in the UN Compilation and Stakeholder summary.

Displaying 43701 - 43725 of 58126 recommendations found
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    Review Documentation
    31st Session, November 2018
    Not Followed up with a Recommendation
    CEDAW recommended that Saudi Arabia examine existing laws and regulations in order to dissociate the provisions deriving from religion from those falling within the scope of traditions and customs; repeal all remaining discriminatory provisions in its national legislation; amend the Basic Law of Governance; and adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation that included a definition of discrimination against women. [Para 10]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Violence against women / gender-based violence
    • Training for state personnel on sexual rights issues
    Review Documentation
    4th session, February 2009
    Implement educational and awareness-raising measures (on violence against women) aimed at law enforcement officials, the judiciary, health-care providers, social workers, community leaders and the general public. [Para 30; CEDAW]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Gender equality
    • Women's participation
    17th session, November 2013
    Further increase the attendance of girls in secondary and higher education and the participation of women in the professional sphere.
    The Kingdom's laws and regulations guarantee equality and designate all forms of discrimination, particularly against women, as punishable criminal offences. However, since acts of discrimination might be committed with impunity within the context of erroneous individual practices, endeavours are being intensified to eliminate such discrimination through the adoption of further policies, regulations and procedural measures under which any form of discrimination against women will be criminalized and punished. The national report highlighted the achievements made in the field of women's rights and particularly in regard to women's participation in public and political life. The Kingdom is aware that the system of male guardianship or tutelage to which reference is made in some of the recommendations is regarded as implying male domination over women. It therefore wishes to reaffirm that its regulations protect women from such domination or any practices conducive thereto and in no way entail any marginalization of women or gender-based differentiation likely to undermine the recognition of women's rights in a manner consistent with the definition of discrimination incorporated in the CEDAW. The Islamic legal concept of qiwama (tutelage in the sense of men's obligation to protect and provide for their womenfolk) guarantees women's rights and helps to ensure a properly structured and cohesive family. If this obligation is abused and exploited as a means to subjugate a woman and violate her rights, there are many ways in which the woman can seek redress at any time, particularly through the judiciary.
    National Report:
    Para 80) Pursuant to Ministerial Decision no. 89263 (11 July 2017), an initiative was launched by the Ministry of Education, enabling female students to take physical education classes. The initiative aims to construct and equip 500 gymnasiums each year to promote the health of female students.

    UN Compilation:
    Para 49) CEDAW was concerned that access to education for disadvantaged groups of girls remained limited. … UNESCO noted that some girls deprived of a family environment reaching the age of 12 years remained in social education homes; such girls could only acquire life skills while boys in similar situations had access to secondary education opportunities and could participate in social, cultural and sporting activities.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    Review Documentation
    31st Session, November 2018
    Not Followed up with a Recommendation
    The Special Rapporteur [on extreme poverty] recommended that the Government enforce the 2012 rule that women no longer needed a guardian’s permission to work. [Para 56]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Women's participation
    Review Documentation
    17th session, November 2013
    Reference Addressed
    The Special Rapporteur on violence against women recommended that Saudi Arabia establish the facilities and mechanisms for women's equal participation in all public and private institutions, including law practices and the judiciary. [Para 41]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    Stakeholder Summary

    • Early marriage
    Review Documentation
    31st Session, November 2018
    Not Followed up with a Recommendation
    Musawah ... recommended codifying and enforcing 18 years of age as an absolute minimum age of marriage for both girls and boys, and remove legal loopholes allowing exceptions to this rule. It also recommended enacting legislation criminalizing child marriage and codifying penalties for those involved in this practice. [Para 39]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    National Report

    • Gender equality
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    Review Documentation
    17th session, November 2013
    The Human Rights Commission expresses an opinion on human rights-related bills of law, reviews existing laws and makes proposals concerning their amendment, pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2, of its Statute. It also examined the report prepared by the National Society for Human Rights on the harmonization of Saudi laws with international human rights conventions. On the basis of the activities described above, a number of amendments have been made to various laws, pursuant to royal decrees, as well as to regulations, pursuant to ministerial decisions and circulars, relating to women ... [Para 20]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • International human rights instruments
    • Gender equality
    4th session, February 2009
    Lift its general and its specific reservations to CEDAW.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Polygamy
    Review Documentation
    4th session, February 2009
    End the practice of polygamy. [Para 37; CEDAW]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    4th session, February 2009
    Follow-up on the recommendations from the treaty bodies in the areas of the rights of women, non-discrimination, torture and children.
    National Report:
    Annex 3) In 2009, Mr. Cornelis Flinterman, chair of the Building Bridges organization and former member of CEDAW visited the Kingdom and gave a talk at the King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies to an audience of government officials, lawyers and persons interested in human rights.

    - A delegation from Building Bridges visited the Kingdom in May 2011 in order to discuss the programme for technical cooperation in human rights, including training in the rights of women ... which it is implementing in the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    • Marginalized groups of women
    • Gender equality
    4th session, February 2009
    Extend migrant workers rights equally to all migrant workers, regardless of their age and gender.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Africa Group
    Political group
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    31st Session, November 2018
    Provide legal assistance to victims of violation of human rights, particularly the most vulnerable among them, such as women, children, domestic workers and persons with reduced mobility.
    تأخذ أنظمة المملكة بمبدأ المساواة القائمة على التكامل بين الرجل والمرأة، والتي تراعي الخصائص والسمات التي يتمتع بها كل من الجنسين، وتحقق العدل في نهاية المطاف، ولا تتضمن أنظمة المملكة أي تفرقة أو استبعاد أو تقييد للمرأة ينتج عنه توهين أو إحباط الاعتراف لها بحقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية في جميع الميادين وفقاً لتعريف التمييز ضد المرأة بموجب اتفاقية القضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة. وتؤكد المملكة أن أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية هي المرجعية الأساسية لمسائل الأحوال الشخصية. … وردت العديد من التوصيات التي تطالب بإلغاء نظام الولاية، ويبدو أن ما ورد في تلك التوصيات يقصد به التسلط الذي يمارسه بعض الذكور على بعض الإناث ويمثل انتهاكاً لحقوقهن، وتؤكد المملكة في هذا السياق أن أنظمتها كافة تحمي المرأة من هذا التسلط أو ما يعززه، وأن لمدّعي الضرر اللجوء إلى وسائل الانتصاف، وفي مقدمتها القضاء. وبناءً على ما تقدم؛ فإن جميع التوصيات الواردة في هذا الموضوع حظيت بالتأييد، عدا توصية واحدة حظيت بالتأييد الجزئي، على النحو الآتي.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Gender equality
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    31st Session, November 2018
    Continue reforms aimed at reducing the gaps between the rights of women and men, including with regard to citizenship; abolish in particular the male guardianship system.
    تأخذ أنظمة المملكة بمبدأ المساواة القائمة على التكامل بين الرجل والمرأة، والتي تراعي الخصائص والسمات التي يتمتع بها كل من الجنسين، وتحقق العدل في نهاية المطاف، ولا تتضمن أنظمة المملكة أي تفرقة أو استبعاد أو تقييد للمرأة ينتج عنه توهين أو إحباط الاعتراف لها بحقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية في جميع الميادين وفقاً لتعريف التمييز ضد المرأة بموجب اتفاقية القضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة. وتؤكد المملكة أن أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية هي المرجعية الأساسية لمسائل الأحوال الشخصية. … وردت العديد من التوصيات التي تطالب بإلغاء نظام الولاية، ويبدو أن ما ورد في تلك التوصيات يقصد به التسلط الذي يمارسه بعض الذكور على بعض الإناث ويمثل انتهاكاً لحقوقهن، وتؤكد المملكة في هذا السياق أن أنظمتها كافة تحمي المرأة من هذا التسلط أو ما يعززه، وأن لمدّعي الضرر اللجوء إلى وسائل الانتصاف، وفي مقدمتها القضاء. وبناءً على ما تقدم؛ فإن جميع التوصيات الواردة في هذا الموضوع حظيت بالتأييد، عدا توصية واحدة حظيت بالتأييد الجزئي، على النحو الآتي.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Africa Group
    Political group
    • Marginalized groups of women
    • Violence against women / gender-based violence
    • Sexual violence
    31st Session, November 2018
    Criminalise sexual violence against women and children including migrants and ensure all perpetrators are punished accordingly.
    تأخذ أنظمة المملكة بمبدأ المساواة القائمة على التكامل بين الرجل والمرأة، والتي تراعي الخصائص والسمات التي يتمتع بها كل من الجنسين، وتحقق العدل في نهاية المطاف، ولا تتضمن أنظمة المملكة أي تفرقة أو استبعاد أو تقييد للمرأة ينتج عنه توهين أو إحباط الاعتراف لها بحقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية في جميع الميادين وفقاً لتعريف التمييز ضد المرأة بموجب اتفاقية القضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة. وتؤكد المملكة أن أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية هي المرجعية الأساسية لمسائل الأحوال الشخصية. … وردت العديد من التوصيات التي تطالب بإلغاء نظام الولاية، ويبدو أن ما ورد في تلك التوصيات يقصد به التسلط الذي يمارسه بعض الذكور على بعض الإناث ويمثل انتهاكاً لحقوقهن، وتؤكد المملكة في هذا السياق أن أنظمتها كافة تحمي المرأة من هذا التسلط أو ما يعززه، وأن لمدّعي الضرر اللجوء إلى وسائل الانتصاف، وفي مقدمتها القضاء. وبناءً على ما تقدم؛ فإن جميع التوصيات الواردة في هذا الموضوع حظيت بالتأييد، عدا توصية واحدة حظيت بالتأييد الجزئي، على النحو الآتي.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • International human rights instruments
    31st Session, November 2018
    Give continuity to the work of the high-level government commission in order to evaluate the possibility of acceding to the ICCPR and the ICESCR, with the objective of ensuring the commitments to the full respect for human rights.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Africa Group
    Political group
    • International human rights instruments
    31st Session, November 2018
    Ratify the ICESCR.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Africa Group
    Political group
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    31st Session, November 2018
    Provide legal assistance to victims of violation of human rights, particularly the most vulnerable among them, such as women, children, domestic workers and persons with reduced mobility.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Violence against women / gender-based violence
    4th session, February 2009
    Adopt all necessary measures to incriminate violence against women and to conduct a resolute penal policy to combat this scourge.
    Stakeholder Summary:
    Para 20) ... AI, JS1, ECLJ and HRW noted that no effective legal and practical measures have been put in place to criminalize violence against women. HRW stated the government failed to enact the 2011 draft law to combat violence against women and children.

    Para 34) ... JS4 noted that no effective mechanism to prevent domestic violence has been implemented and the Protection from Harm Act has not been enacted.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    National Report

    • Gender equality
    Review Documentation
    4th session, February 2009
    The Ministries of Education and Higher Education have reserved senior posts for women. [Para 46]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Gender equality
    Review Documentation
    4th session, February 2009
    CRC recommended that Saudi Arabia review relevant domestic laws and administrative regulations in order to ensure equality between girls and boys. [Para 5]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    • International human rights instruments
    17th session, November 2013
    Expedite ratification of the ICCPR and ICESCR as was accepted by the Government at the first UPR.
    National Report:
    Para 28) Two human rights instruments — the ICCPR and ICESCR — are currently being studied by a high-level governmental committee with a view to accession. Under article 5(4) of its charter, the Human Rights Commission may express an opinion on international human rights instruments and accession thereto.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Gender equality
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    Review Documentation
    4th session, February 2009
    CEDAW urged Saudi Arabia to modify or eliminate negative cultural practices and stereotypes that are harmful to and discriminate against women and to promote women's full enjoyment of their human rights. [Para 54]
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Africa Group
    Political group
    • Gender equality
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    17th session, November 2013
    Consider legislating a special personal status law that would contribute to the strengthening of women's rights.
    The Kingdom's laws and regulations guarantee equality and designate all forms of discrimination, particularly against women, as punishable criminal offences. However, since acts of discrimination might be committed with impunity within the context of erroneous individual practices, endeavours are being intensified to eliminate such discrimination through the adoption of further policies, regulations and procedural measures under which any form of discrimination against women will be criminalized and punished. The national report highlighted the achievements made in the field of women's rights and particularly in regard to women's participation in public and political life. The Kingdom is aware that the system of male guardianship or tutelage to which reference is made in some of the recommendations is regarded as implying male domination over women. It therefore wishes to reaffirm that its regulations protect women from such domination or any practices conducive thereto and in no way entail any marginalization of women or gender-based differentiation likely to undermine the recognition of women's rights in a manner consistent with the definition of discrimination incorporated in the CEDAW. The Islamic legal concept of qiwama (tutelage in the sense of men's obligation to protect and provide for their womenfolk) guarantees women's rights and helps to ensure a properly structured and cohesive family. If this obligation is abused and exploited as a means to subjugate a woman and violate her rights, there are many ways in which the woman can seek redress at any time, particularly through the judiciary.
  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    17th session, November 2013
    Take further measures to protect and promote women's rights, particularly in the fields of female employment, education, health and legal capacity.
    The Kingdom's laws and regulations guarantee equality and designate all forms of discrimination, particularly against women, as punishable criminal offences. However, since acts of discrimination might be committed with impunity within the context of erroneous individual practices, endeavours are being intensified to eliminate such discrimination through the adoption of further policies, regulations and procedural measures under which any form of discrimination against women will be criminalized and punished. The national report highlighted the achievements made in the field of women's rights and particularly in regard to women's participation in public and political life. The Kingdom is aware that the system of male guardianship or tutelage to which reference is made in some of the recommendations is regarded as implying male domination over women. It therefore wishes to reaffirm that its regulations protect women from such domination or any practices conducive thereto and in no way entail any marginalization of women or gender-based differentiation likely to undermine the recognition of women's rights in a manner consistent with the definition of discrimination incorporated in the CEDAW. The Islamic legal concept of qiwama (tutelage in the sense of men's obligation to protect and provide for their womenfolk) guarantees women's rights and helps to ensure a properly structured and cohesive family. If this obligation is abused and exploited as a means to subjugate a woman and violate her rights, there are many ways in which the woman can seek redress at any time, particularly through the judiciary.
    National Report:
    Para 53) In collaboration with civil society organizations, including the Mawadda Association for Divorce Reduction, the Ministry of Justice offers free legal advice. Women’s offices have been opened in courts, staffed by qualified female legal advisors, providing free rights-related services.
    Para 80) Pursuant to Ministerial Decision no. 89263 (11 July 2017), an initiative was launched by the Ministry of Education, enabling female students to take physical education classes. The initiative aims to construct and equip 500 gymnasiums each year to promote the health of female students.
    Para 98) Most of the reforms and developments in the period covered by the report have been concerned with the promotion and protection of women’s rights and the empowerment of women. This is reflected in the quantity and quality of the measures taken and the results achieved. Many measures have been taken to empower women and promote gender equality within the framework of Islamic sharia law. These include the codification of judicial rulings on personal status matters, to which reference has already been made; the issuance of Supreme Order 33322 (18 April 2017), allowing women to access government services and conclude their business without being required to obtain the approval of another person; the appointment of 30 women to the Consultative Council, representing 20 per cent of members; granting women the right to vote and stand as candidates in municipal elections; the appointment of six women to the board of the Human Rights Commission; the appointment of Saudi women to senior positions, such as deputy minister, university principal and chair of the board of directors of several companies, including the Saudi Stock Exchange (“Tadawul”). As such, women now occupy decision-making positions in the public and private sectors.
    Para 99) A number of decisions have been taken to promote the judicial rights of women, including: • Introduction of the Alimony Fund; • Issue of the marriage certificates in two copies, one for each spouse; • Granting women a notary’s licence, giving some of the powers of a notary public.
    Para 100) The creation of the Family Affairs Council, which has assigned responsibility for women’s affairs to one committee and for family protection to another, is a significant development of the institutional framework to protect and promote the rights of women and the family. The Women’s Affairs Committee has begun holding consultation workshops to review key laws relating to women. Additionally, the Council has approved a mechanism to formulate a national strategy for women.
    Para 101) The promulgation of the Protection against Abuse Act, its implementing regulations and associated executive measures represents a guarantee to combat all forms of violence against women.
    Para 102) In 2016, the complaints centre became operational. The centre receives reports of domestic violence on the strength of which the public prosecutor brings a criminal action under article 17 of the Criminal Procedure Act. If he believes it is in the public interest to do so, the public prosecutor investigates crimes involving a private right of action.
    Para 103.) Regarding woman’s right to freedom of movement, Supreme Order no. 905 (26 September 2017), authorising implementation of the Traffic Act and its implementing regulations, provides for driving licences to be issued to men and women on a basis of equality. To prepare for women driving cars in the Kingdom, the General Directorate of Traffic licenced five driving schools for women across the country, while advanced level driving schools have been opened in collaboration with the universities. Furthermore, 21 centres across the country have been established for female holders of foreign driving licenses who wish to exchange them for Saudi licenses. The Supreme Order has been implemented and women began driving cars on 24 June 2018.
    Para 104) A number of initiatives have been launched across the country to empower women economically. These include the “Qurrat” programme to support childcare services for working women; the “Wusul” programme to provide transport for working women; the “Self-employment support” program, which widens opportunities for women to increase their income using the skills they have; and the “Part-time working” and “Remote working” programmes to enable women to balance work and family life. There are also empowerment programmes in rural and remote areas designed to encourage women to enter the job market.
    Para 105) There has been a marked increase in the proportion of women working in the law, as court attorneys, public prosecutors and lawyers, on an equal footing with their male colleagues. Instructions have been issued by the Public Prosecution Service requiring female lawyers to be treated the same as their male counterparts, enabling them to study their clients’ case papers and be present when clients are questioned, in accordance with article 70 of the Criminal Procedure Act.
    Para 106) There has also been a marked rise in the proportion of women working in government service. Numerous programmes have been developed to expand female employment opportunities, in collaboration with the Human Resources Development Fund, General Organization for Social Insurance and the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and in partnership with employers. A total of 2,033,668 women were in employment in the first quarter of 2018, compared with 2,008,233 in the first quarter of 2017. The number of Saudi women working in the private sector rose to 559,814 in the first quarter of 2018, representing approximately 32 per cent of Saudis employed in the private sector. The aim of Saudi Vision 2030 is to increase female participation in the job market from 22 per cent to 30 per cent by 2030, achieving a 3 per cent increase in non-oil GDP.
    Para 107) Article 34 of the standard model employment regulations sets out the general rules on equal pay for work of equal value, which include a prohibition on any form of discrimination between male and female workers in respect of equal pay for work of equal value. It is worth noting that the Kingdom is a party to the International Labour Organization Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) and the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).
    Para 108) To the Kingdom’s achievements in women’s rights might be added the following: adoption of the Mother and Child Health Passport, designed to track the health of mother and child from pregnancy and birth until the age of five; application of the developed prenatal care model and distribution of literature thereon, amended in accordance with World Health Organization standards; and establishment of the National Observatory for Women, a centre of excellence attached to the King Abdullah Institute for Research and Consulting Studies at King Saud University. The Observatory tracks the participation of Saudi women in development programmes and their growing involvement in NGOs. Note that Saudi women make up 25 per cent of the founding members of the National Society for Human Rights and can be found on the board of banks, chambers of commerce and the Saudi Council of Engineers. Furthermore, there has been a rise in the number of charities founded and managed by women.
    Para 109) Saudi businesswomen feature prominently on global lists and rankings. They organize workshops across the Kingdom to promote women’s rights and play a prominent role in the activities of the King Abdulaziz Centre for National Dialogue and the cultural dialogue sessions it organizes. They are also involved in implementing action programmes to improve the delivery of services for women, including family security mechanisms, productive family programmes, motherhood programmes, sport and leisure programmes and programmes to help families with limited income develop their own resources and transition from dependency to productivity.
    Para 110) Forced marriage is forbidden by Islamic sharia law, which holds that a marriage can only be concluded with the woman’s consent. Sharia law prohibits a woman being prevented from marrying or forced into marriage against her will. A woman may not be prevented from marrying a man who meets the lawful conditions for marriage. The King Abdulaziz Centre for National Dialogue conducted a study in partnership with stakeholders and civil society organizations, which showed that the number of women entering into forced or early marriage continues to decline. The study gave rise to a set of proposals, containing a number of measures and guidelines. Note that article 16 (3) of the implementing regulations for the Child Protection Act stipulates that, before the contract of marriage can be concluded, it must be ascertained that the marriage of a person under the age of 18, whether male or female, shall not cause harm and shall be in the best interests of that person.
    Para 111) The human rights awareness and instruction programmes organized by stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and Information and Human Rights Commission, are designed to correct the sort of false impressions that can lead to discrimination against women. The Council of Senior Scholars strives to correct these ideas by publishing statements in the media and on its social media accounts and by the appearance on television and radio of Council members. The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance plays an important role in this regard, through its preachers and imams.

    National Report Annex 1:
    و- من القرارات التي اتخذت لتعزيز حقوق المرأة المتصلة بالقضاء:
     زيادة نسبة المحاميات بنسبة ١٢٠٪ حيث ارتفع عددهن إلى 304 محامية.
     إطلاق دبلوم المحاماة لتقديم التأهيل المنتهي بمنح رخصة مزاولة المهنة.
     إنشاء مراكز خاصة لتنفيذ أحكام الحضانة من أجل توفير بيئة نموذجية يسودها الجو الأسري والأمني والصحي والترفيهي، بمشاركة إحدى مؤسسات المجتمع المدني في المملكة.
     منح المرأة حق الولاية على المحضون مما يسهل عليها الحصول على الخدمات من الجهات المختلفة.
     استحقاق أسرة المتغيب أو المفقود والأسرة المهجورة أو المعلقة لمعاش الضمان الاجتماعي.
     تعديل لائحة نظام التنفيذ التي نصت على حق الحضانة للأم خلال فترة التقاضي وأن يكون تنفيذ قضايا الحضانة أو الزيارة في بلد الحضانة أو الزيارة المنصوص عليه في السند التنفيذي.
     التنفيذ الفوري لأحكام النفقة أو رؤية الطفل المحضون أو تسليمه لحاضنته.
     إنشاء مكاتب نسوية في محاكم الأحوال الشخصية لخدمة المرأة مجاناً، بالمشاركة مع إحدى مؤسسات المجتمع المدني.
     صدور تعميم رئيس المجلس الأعلى للقضاء رقم ت/١٠٤٩ وتاريخ ٢٠/٦/١٤٣٩ هـ الموافق (٨ مارس ٢٠١٧) المتضمن أحقية الأم بإثبات حضانة أبنائها دون حاجتها إلى رفع دعوى قضائية في محاكم الأحوال الشخصية بذلك في الحالات التي يثبت عدم وجود خصومة أو نزاع بينها وبين والد المحضونين.

    UN Compilation:
    Para 29) CEDAW referred to persisting barriers to women’s access to justice … CRC observed that girls were highly discriminated against in the justice system.
    Para 41) [CEDAW] welcomed measures promoting women’s employment. It remained concerned about women’s low participation in the labour market; the lack of enforcement of the law abolishing the need for a guardian’s permission to work; persistent occupational segregation and sex segregation in the workplace; the concentration of women in low-paid jobs; and the persistent gender wage gap.
    Para 49) CEDAW was concerned that access to education for disadvantaged groups of girls remained limited. … UNESCO noted that some girls deprived of a family environment reaching the age of 12 years remained in social education homes; such girls could only acquire life skills while boys in similar situations had access to secondary education opportunities and could participate in social, cultural and sporting activities.
    Para 56) The Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty noted that challenges with regard to the human rights of women were heavier on women living in poverty, as many employers still insisted on obtaining the permission of male guardians before women could work.

    Stakeholder Summary:
    Para 32) JS8 noted that workers are denied an array of fundamental rights. The few rights that do exist are not meaningfully protected. This is clear in the continued, widespread and severe discrimination, both through law and in practice, against women, …
    Para 34) AI, Musawah and JS6 observed that women and girls face discrimination in law including in the Civil Status Code, Labour Code and Nationality Act, and in practice. They noted that Saudi Arabia made some progress in advancing women’s rights. Despite these ostensibly positive developments, but they failed to implement the eight accepted UPR recommendations pertaining to the system of male guardianship over women. Women face numerous restrictions on their daily actions throughout Saudi society. The government has recently taken steps towards easing guardianship restrictions, but reforms are limited, and provide no penalties for offences. The system is not only set in law, but is a set of regulations that act as de facto law.
    Para 35) HRW noted that Saudi Arabia committed in its previous UPR to implementing the Protection from Abuse Regulation that detail enforcement and redress mechanisms for women and children facing domestic violence.
    Para 36) Musawah noted that Muslim men could marry up to four wives at one time with few restrictions.
    Para 37) Musawah reported that women do not enjoy equal rights to custody and guardianship of their children as the father has priority.
    Para 38) AI, Musawah, JS3, and JS6 observed that Saudi Arabian women with foreign spouses, unlike their male counterparts, cannot pass on their nationality to their children or spouses.
    Para 46) AI, HRW, Musawah, JS3 and JS6 noted that Saudi Arabia still does not allow women to transmit nationality to their children on an equal basis with men.

  • State Under Review:

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    Political group
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    • Empowerment of women
    17th session, November 2013
    Continue efforts to promote the empowerment of women and the protection of their rights.
    The Kingdom's laws and regulations guarantee equality and designate all forms of discrimination, particularly against women, as punishable criminal offences. However, since acts of discrimination might be committed with impunity within the context of erroneous individual practices, endeavours are being intensified to eliminate such discrimination through the adoption of further policies, regulations and procedural measures under which any form of discrimination against women will be criminalized and punished. The national report highlighted the achievements made in the field of women's rights and particularly in regard to women's participation in public and political life. The Kingdom is aware that the system of male guardianship or tutelage to which reference is made in some of the recommendations is regarded as implying male domination over women. It therefore wishes to reaffirm that its regulations protect women from such domination or any practices conducive thereto and in no way entail any marginalization of women or gender-based differentiation likely to undermine the recognition of women's rights in a manner consistent with the definition of discrimination incorporated in the CEDAW. The Islamic legal concept of qiwama (tutelage in the sense of men's obligation to protect and provide for their womenfolk) guarantees women's rights and helps to ensure a properly structured and cohesive family. If this obligation is abused and exploited as a means to subjugate a woman and violate her rights, there are many ways in which the woman can seek redress at any time, particularly through the judiciary.
    National Report:
    Para 95) Particular achievements have been to … make progress in enabling women to participate in the job market.
    Para 98) Most of the reforms and developments in the period covered by the report have been concerned with the promotion and protection of women’s rights and the empowerment of women. This is reflected in the quantity and quality of the measures taken and the results achieved. Many measures have been taken to empower women and promote gender equality within the framework of Islamic sharia law. These include the codification of judicial rulings on personal status matters, to which reference has already been made; the issuance of Supreme Order 33322 (18 April 2017), allowing women to access government services and conclude their business without being required to obtain the approval of another person; the appointment of 30 women to the Consultative Council, representing 20 per cent of members; granting women the right to vote and stand as candidates in municipal elections; the appointment of six women to the board of the Human Rights Commission; the appointment of Saudi women to senior positions, such as deputy minister, university principal and chair of the board of directors of several companies, including the Saudi Stock Exchange (“Tadawul”). As such, women now occupy decision-making positions in the public and private sectors.
    Para 104) A number of initiatives have been launched across the country to empower women economically. These include the “Qurrat” programme to support childcare services for working women; the “Wusul” programme to provide transport for working women; the “Self-employment support” program, which widens opportunities for women to increase their income using the skills they have; and the “Part-time working” and “Remote working” programmes to enable women to balance work and family life. There are also empowerment programmes in rural and remote areas designed to encourage women to enter the job market.
    Para 105) There has been a marked increase in the proportion of women working in the law, as court attorneys, public prosecutors and lawyers, on an equal footing with their male colleagues. Instructions have been issued by the Public Prosecution Service requiring female lawyers to be treated the same as their male counterparts, enabling them to study their clients’ case papers and be present when clients are questioned, in accordance with article 70 of the Criminal Procedure Act.
    Para 106) There has also been a marked rise in the proportion of women working in government service. Numerous programmes have been developed to expand female employment opportunities, in collaboration with the Human Resources Development Fund, General Organization for Social Insurance and the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and in partnership with employers. A total of 2,033,668 women were in employment in the first quarter of 2018, compared with 2,008,233 in the first quarter of 2017. The number of Saudi women working in the private sector rose to 559,814 in the first quarter of 2018, representing approximately 32 per cent of Saudis employed in the private sector. The aim of Saudi Vision 2030 is to increase female participation in the job market from 22 per cent to 30 per cent by 2030, achieving a 3 per cent increase in non-oil GDP.
    Para 107) Article 34 of the standard model employment regulations sets out the general rules on equal pay for work of equal value, which include a prohibition on any form of discrimination between male and female workers in respect of equal pay for work of equal value. It is worth noting that the Kingdom is a party to the International Labour Organization Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) and the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).
    Para 108) To the Kingdom’s achievements in women’s rights might be added the following: adoption of the Mother and Child Health Passport, designed to track the health of mother and child from pregnancy and birth until the age of five; application of the developed prenatal care model and distribution of literature thereon, amended in accordance with World Health Organization standards; and establishment of the National Observatory for Women, a centre of excellence attached to the King Abdullah Institute for Research and Consulting Studies at King Saud University. The Observatory tracks the participation of Saudi women in development programmes and their growing involvement in NGOs. Note that Saudi women make up 25 per cent of the founding members of the National Society for Human Rights and can be found on the board of banks, chambers of commerce and the Saudi Council of Engineers. Furthermore, there has been a rise in the number of charities founded and managed by women.
    Para 109) Saudi businesswomen feature prominently on global lists and rankings. They organize workshops across the Kingdom to promote women’s rights and play a prominent role in the activities of the King Abdulaziz Centre for National Dialogue and the cultural dialogue sessions it organizes. They are also involved in implementing action programmes to improve the delivery of services for women, including family security mechanisms, productive family programmes, motherhood programmes, sport and leisure programmes and programmes to help families with limited income develop their own resources and transition from dependency to productivity.

    UN Compilation:
    Para 41) [CEDAW] welcomed measures promoting women’s employment. It remained concerned about women’s low participation in the labour market; the lack of enforcement of the law abolishing the need for a guardian’s permission to work; persistent occupational segregation and sex segregation in the workplace; the concentration of women in low-paid jobs; and the persistent gender wage gap.
    Para 56) The Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty noted that challenges with regard to the human rights of women were heavier on women living in poverty, as many employers still insisted on obtaining the permission of male guardians before women could work.

    Stakeholder Summary:
    Para 32) JS8 noted that workers are denied an array of fundamental rights. The few rights that do exist are not meaningfully protected. This is clear in the continued, widespread and severe discrimination, both through law and in practice, against women, …
    Para 34) AI, Musawah and JS6 observed that women and girls face discrimination in law including in the Civil Status Code, Labour Code and Nationality Act, and in practice. They noted that Saudi Arabia made some progress in advancing women’s rights. Despite these ostensibly positive developments, but they failed to implement the eight accepted UPR recommendations pertaining to the system of male guardianship over women. Women face numerous restrictions on their daily actions throughout Saudi society. The government has recently taken steps towards easing guardianship restrictions, but reforms are limited, and provide no penalties for offences. The system is not only set in law, but is a set of regulations that act as de facto law.
    Para 35) HRW noted that Saudi Arabia committed in its previous UPR to implementing the Protection from Abuse Regulation that detail enforcement and redress mechanisms for women and children facing domestic violence.
    Para 36) Musawah noted that Muslim men could marry up to four wives at one time with few restrictions.
    Para 37) Musawah reported that women do not enjoy equal rights to custody and guardianship of their children as the father has priority.
    Para 38) AI, Musawah, JS3, and JS6 observed that Saudi Arabian women with foreign spouses, unlike their male counterparts, cannot pass on their nationality to their children or spouses.
    Para 46) AI, HRW, Musawah, JS3 and JS6 noted that Saudi Arabia still does not allow women to transmit nationality to their children on an equal basis with men.